Alien Rescue in the Classroom
From Teachers
- Alien Rescue vs Traditional Learning
- Teachers' Feedback on Student Learning in Alien Rescue
- Student Response
- Students with Special Needs
Students could learn at their own pace.
Students formed flexible groups to collaborate and asked questions.
The interactive envrionment kept students engaging in learning.
Fun for teachers too! It's a different way of learning and teaching.
Students were really engaged and they learned more.
Students took ownership of learning and developed problem-solving skills.
Students with different confidence levels worked together in Alien Rescue.
Students engage deeply with the content.
Students learned research skills that relatable in the real world.
Students learned to collaborate, explore and find information on their own.
Students experienced the "aha" moment in their inquiry.
Students responded to and learned from each other.
Students learned to work together.
Students learned science in a meaningful way.
Alien Rescue motivated student to learn outside the classroom.
Students engaged in evidence-based argument when learning in Alien Rescue.
Alien Rescue engaged students who typically were not excited about science.
Alien Rescue provides another opportunity for students who usually struggled.
The media-rich environment keeps learning fun for students with lower reading level.
Students were intrinsically motivated and engaged.
Kids were engaged in learning because they could have hands-on experience.
Students enjoyed the challenge of learning!